Santa Cruz Modelismo
Fiat G91 R/4 Tigers Bissalanca Guiné
Alpha Jet – Nato Tiger Meet – Beja 1996
Fiat 91G R4 Esq 702 Tete
Falcon 20
Fiat G91 R/3 Tigre 5465 updated with mouth and eyes
T33 38 years FAP
F-16 A Red Flag
A7 P 64000 Horas
(Português) FIAT G91 T3
Fiat G91 R/3 75000 Hours
Fiat G91 R/4 scorpion and shark mouth
T33 n.º 1905 nose art
Fiat G91 R/3 75000 Hours
ST 12 «Monospar»
(Português) Reatores Turboméca Marboré II
Cross of Crist model 1980,….