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Fiat G91 R/3 Tiger Meet n.º 5454
H19 (1/48) and Puma
T33 – 38 years PoAF
Fiat G91 R/4 scorpion and shark mouth
Alpha Jet – Nato Tiger Meet – K. Brogel 2001
Fiat G91 R/4 Jaguars Nacala Moçambique
Tiger Moth – Once a Tiger Always a Tiger
T6 n.º 1675 shark mouth – Guiné
AL III – Timor
F-16 B “Red Flag”
A-7 “64 000 Horas” – special paint scheme
F47 D
Master Scale Modelling por José Brito
Lusitanos T6
Plastic Nozzle Cover for Back Flushing