Figuras de plástico
German Navy Figures WWII
4 German (WWII) Panzergrenadiers 1942 – 1945
US Jeep crew
WWII Luftwaffe Pilots and Ground Personnel 1939-1945
Luftwaffe Personnel
(Português) Rally Mechanics Set
Saladin with Saracen Cavalary
Peasants Eastern Europe WWII era
German Infantry Weapons WW II era
‘Bloody Atol’ U.S. Marine Corps Infantry, Tarawa, 1943
Women of WWII Era
Jungle Patrol, Vietnam War series
‘Charlie on the left’ 3 x Jeep crew and 2 x Viet Cong Fighters
German (WWII) Infantry, DAK WWII, North Africa desert battles series
Luftwaffe fighter crew 1944