Falcon 20
Fiat G91 R/3 Tigre 5465 updated with mouth and eyes
Polikarpov R-Z «Natacha»
(Português) FIAT G91 T3
Aerospatiale SA-318 Alouette II
Vought A-7P Corsair II
DH.82/82A Portuguese Service Part 2
German Navy Figures WWII
Fiat G91 R/3 75000 Hours
Fiat G91 R/4 scorpion and shark mouth
De Havilland DH-85 Leopard Moth, Dilly
Beechcraft Bonanza
ST 12 «Monospar»
DH.82/82A Portuguese Service Part 1
Hawker Hind Mk.I «in camouflage»